每年, 数以百万计的美国人使用个人贷款来支付从房屋装修到整合债务等各种费用. Before you apply for a personal loan,确保你了解贷款需要什么,你负责什么,以及如何获得资格. 了解这些信息可以对你的财务健康产生积极的长期影响.
安全与. Unsecured 个人 贷款: How do they differ?
有担保的个人贷款是一种由抵押品或资产保护的贷款. 资产可以是股票、债券或属于借款人的个人财产. 被认为是借入大笔资金最常见的方式之一, secured loans typically offer lower interest rates, longer repayment terms, and higher borrowing limits when compared to unsecured loans. 如果借款人无法支付担保贷款, 然后贷方通常保留要求抵押品作为债务支付的权利. Examples of secured loans include 抵押贷款, 汽车贷款, 船的贷款, and a home equity line of credit (HELOC).
An unsecured personal loan is not backed by collateral. 因为如果借款人无法付款,就没有抵押品可以要求偿还贷款, interest rates tend to be higher on unsecured loans. 无抵押贷款的例子包括信用卡、学生贷款和个人贷款. When applying for an unsecured loan, 贷款人通常会根据你的财务历史或信誉来决定你是否有资格.
个人 贷款: The 411
如前所述,个人贷款是一种无担保贷款. 与其他贷款类型相比,个人贷款通常是较小的贷款金额,并且可以为借款人提供较低的利率. A personal loan is an installment loan, 意思是你借了一笔固定的钱,并承诺还钱, and some interest, with monthly payments over the life of the loan. As an installment loan, 借款人在一段固定的时间内支付固定的金额,直到借款的全部金额被偿还.
One of the most appealing aspects of personal loans is the versatility; there are no restrictions on how you use the borrowed funds. 从合并债务到支付医疗账单或为房屋装修融资, 个人贷款可以用来帮助你支付任何你想要的东西.
What to Know Before You 应用
When applying for a personal loan, 请记住,您有资格获得的金额和条款是基于您的信用健康. 你的信用评分越高,你获得的条件就越好. Terms include the interest rate, the monthly payment, 以及你需要偿还贷款的月数或年数. 您的付款历史和收入也被考虑在内.
Monthly debts (from credit reports) +
PITI (principal, interest, taxes, insurance) ÷
Gross monthly income =
Debt-to-income ratio
你的债务与可用信贷比率也将有助于确定你有资格获得贷款的条款. 你的循环信贷越多,贷款人对你这个借款人就越有信心.
Ready, Set, 应用!
在阿伯金融,我们喜欢有选择,所以我们给你很多选择. 我们提供 low, competitive loan rates 这可以帮助你用灵活的条款获得更多的钱,以适应你的生活方式. When you’re ready to apply, you can visit any branch, call our virtual loan center at 269.488.5945, or apply online on our website. It’s free and easy to apply!

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